Yesterday, in putting together the monthly update for the group, a description of the all too real “human condition” was included… genocide, terrorism, mass displacement of peoples, starvation, runaway diseases, environmental devastation, gross inequality, ‘racial’ and gender oppression, polarized politics, rampant corruption and other crimes, drug abuse, family breakdown, and epidemic levels of obesity, chronic anxiety, depression, suicide, unhappiness and loneliness.
But here’s the truth: There is no limitation. There is no reason for anybody to be homeless. There is no reason for anyone to suffer from disease. There is enough wealth for all. So, why have we created something else? It seems we may have been part of a paradigm designed to empower the few and disempower the many.
The irony- we humans are so powerful that, if united, we could change the “human condition”. (I’ve read that the word Holy was originally Wholy! If so, all this media, religious, politically inspired division…would that be considered unwholy?)
Fortunately, for many this paradigm is beginning to crumble. BUT we must focus on what we are going to replace it with, and most people have no idea!
SO- what do you want? It’s a decision. There are tools to assist, the SRC being just one. This month for the group our focus is, just for starters, financial abundance. It seems many are experiencing some stress related to this.
In reference to the daily energy group, I’ve kept the cost at a minimum, $27 a month, which includes the entire family. Helpers | It’s All Voltage (
Here’s an example of our daily work-
Etheric, not physical

Recording #1 (2)


Cathy Slaght
